您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
wacked 913d5f7bd1 style quotes and code 4 年前
archetypes looks okish on start page 4 年前
exampleSite looks okish on start page 4 年前
images looks okish on start page 4 年前
layouts change footer to reflect that i forked this 4 年前
static style quotes and code 4 年前
LICENSE.md change authorship information 4 年前
README.md add url in README 4 年前
theme.toml change authorship information 4 年前


Minimal without dependencies

Personal blog theme powered by Hugo. I only took Calin Tataru theme and stripped out all the links to varios CDNs. I would prefer my website to have as little dependencies outside my control as possible please.


You can install the theme either as a clone or submodule.

I recommend the latter. From the root of your Hugo site, type the following:

$ git submodule add http://vcs.wacked.codes/wacked/minimal-no-third-party.git themes/minimal-no-third-party
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Now you can get updates to Minimal in the future by updating the submodule:

$ git submodule update --remote themes/minimal-no-third-party


After installation, take a look at the exampleSite folder inside themes/minimal.

To get started, copy the config.toml file inside exampleSite to the root of your Hugo site:

$ cp themes/minimal/exampleSite/config.toml .

Now edit this file and add your own information. Note that some fields can be omitted.

I recommend you use the theme’s archetypes so now delete your site’s archetypes/default.md.


You can tweak the look of the theme to suit your needs in a number of ways:

  • The accent colour can be changed by using the accent field in config.toml.

  • You can also change the background colour by using backgroundColor.

  • Add colored 5px borders at the top and bottom of pages by setting showBorder to true.

For best results, I recommend you use a dark accent colour with a light background, for example:

    accent = "red"
    showBorder = true
    backgroundColor = "white"

Syntax highlighting

The theme does not supportssyntax highlighting.