You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

68 lines

  1. baseURL = ""
  2. languageCode = "en-us"
  3. title = "Minimal"
  4. theme = "minimal"
  5. disqusShortname = "username" # delete this to disable disqus comments
  6. googleAnalytics = ""
  7. [params]
  8. author = "Calin Tataru"
  9. description = "Personal blog theme powered by Hugo"
  10. githubUsername = "#"
  11. accent = "red"
  12. showBorder = true
  13. backgroundColor = "white"
  14. font = "Raleway" # should match the name on Google Fonts!
  15. highlight = true
  16. highlightStyle = "default"
  17. highlightLanguages = ["go", "haskell", "kotlin", "scala", "swift"]
  18. [[menu.main]]
  19. url = "/"
  20. name = "Home"
  21. weight = 1
  22. [[menu.main]]
  23. url = "/about/"
  24. name = "About"
  25. weight = 2
  26. [[menu.main]]
  27. url = "/post/"
  28. name = "Posts"
  29. weight = 3
  30. [[menu.main]]
  31. url = "/project/"
  32. name = "Projects"
  33. weight = 4
  34. # Social icons to be shown on the right-hand side of the navigation bar.
  35. # The "name" field should match the name of the icon in Font Awesome.
  36. # The list of available icons can be found at
  37. [[menu.icon]]
  38. url = ""
  39. name = "envelope-o"
  40. weight = 1
  41. [[menu.icon]]
  42. url = ""
  43. name = "github"
  44. weight = 2
  45. [[menu.icon]]
  46. url = ""
  47. name = "twitter"
  48. weight = 3
  49. [[menu.icon]]
  50. url = ""
  51. name = "linkedin"
  52. weight = 4
  53. [[menu.icon]]
  54. url = ""
  55. name = "stack-overflow"
  56. weight = 5