您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
wacked 035640a086 looks okish on start page 4 年前
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Personal blog theme powered by Hugo. A live demo is available here.


You can install the theme either as a clone or submodule.

I recommend the latter. From the root of your Hugo site, type the following:

$ git submodule add https://github.com/calintat/minimal.git themes/minimal
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Now you can get updates to Minimal in the future by updating the submodule:

$ git submodule update --remote themes/minimal


After installation, take a look at the exampleSite folder inside themes/minimal.

To get started, copy the config.toml file inside exampleSite to the root of your Hugo site:

$ cp themes/minimal/exampleSite/config.toml .

Now edit this file and add your own information. Note that some fields can be omitted.

I recommend you use the theme’s archetypes so now delete your site’s archetypes/default.md.


You can tweak the look of the theme to suit your needs in a number of ways:

  • The accent colour can be changed by using the accent field in config.toml.

  • You can also change the background colour by using backgroundColor.

  • Add colored 5px borders at the top and bottom of pages by setting showBorder to true.

For best results, I recommend you use a dark accent colour with a light background, for example:

    accent = "red"
    showBorder = true
    backgroundColor = "white"


The theme uses Google Fonts to load its font. To change the font:

    font = "Raleway" # should match the name on Google Fonts!

Syntax highlighting

The theme supports syntax highlighting thanks to highlight.js.

It’s disabled by default, so you have to enable it by setting highlight to true in your config.

You can change the style used for the highlighting by using the highlightStyle field.

Only the “common” languages will be loaded by default. To load more, use highlightLanguages.

A list of all the available styles and languages can be found here.

Please note the style and languages should be written in hyphen-separated lowercase, for example:

    highlight = true
    highlightStyle = "solarized-dark"
    highlightLanguages = ["go", "haskell", "kotlin", "scala", "swift"]