baseURL = "" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Minimal" theme = "minimal" disqusShortname = "username" # delete this to disable disqus comments googleAnalytics = "" [params] author = "Calin Tataru" description = "Personal blog theme powered by Hugo" githubUsername = "#" accent = "red" showBorder = true backgroundColor = "white" font = "Raleway" # should match the name on Google Fonts! highlight = true highlightStyle = "default" highlightLanguages = ["go", "haskell", "kotlin", "scala", "swift"] [[menu.main]] url = "/" name = "Home" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] url = "/about/" name = "About" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] url = "/post/" name = "Posts" weight = 3 [[menu.main]] url = "/project/" name = "Projects" weight = 4 # Social icons to be shown on the right-hand side of the navigation bar. # The "name" field should match the name of the icon in Font Awesome. # The list of available icons can be found at [[menu.icon]] url = "" name = "envelope-o" weight = 1 [[menu.icon]] url = "" name = "github" weight = 2 [[menu.icon]] url = "" name = "twitter" weight = 3 [[menu.icon]] url = "" name = "linkedin" weight = 4 [[menu.icon]] url = "" name = "stack-overflow" weight = 5