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il y a 4 ans
  1. # Minimal without dependencies
  2. Personal blog theme powered by [Hugo](https://gohugo.io). I only took [Calin Tataru](https://calintat.github.io) theme and stripped out
  3. all the links to varios CDNs. I would prefer my website to have as little dependencies outside my control as possible please.
  4. ## Installation
  5. You can install the theme either as a clone or submodule.
  6. I recommend the latter. From the root of your Hugo site, type the following:
  7. ```
  8. $ git submodule add http://vcs.wacked.codes/wacked/minimal-no-third-party.git themes/minimal-no-third-party
  9. $ git submodule init
  10. $ git submodule update
  11. ```
  12. Now you can get updates to Minimal in the future by updating the submodule:
  13. ```
  14. $ git submodule update --remote themes/minimal-no-third-party
  15. ```
  16. ## Configuration
  17. After installation, take a look at the `exampleSite` folder inside `themes/minimal`.
  18. To get started, copy the `config.toml` file inside `exampleSite` to the root of your Hugo site:
  19. ```
  20. $ cp themes/minimal/exampleSite/config.toml .
  21. ```
  22. Now edit this file and add your own information. Note that some fields can be omitted.
  23. I recommend you use the theme's archetypes so now delete your site's `archetypes/default.md`.
  24. ## Features
  25. You can tweak the look of the theme to suit your needs in a number of ways:
  26. - The accent colour can be changed by using the `accent` field in `config.toml`.
  27. - You can also change the background colour by using `backgroundColor`.
  28. - Add colored 5px borders at the top and bottom of pages by setting `showBorder` to `true`.
  29. For best results, I recommend you use a dark accent colour with a light background, for example:
  30. ```toml
  31. [params]
  32. accent = "red"
  33. showBorder = true
  34. backgroundColor = "white"
  35. ```
  36. ### Syntax highlighting
  37. The theme does not supportssyntax highlighting.