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testcase loop & tail rec

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@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ engines (on windows) are. I'll try to write various functions, that are hard to
patch and then see how each hooking engine does.

I'll test:

* [EasyHook](
* [PolyHook](
* [MinHook](
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ needs for each hook. This is just about the challenges the function to be
hooked itself poses.


* Are jumps relocated?
* What about RIP adressing?
* If there's a loop at the beginning / if it's a tail recurisve function, does
@@ -79,42 +81,44 @@ Test case: Small
This is just a very small function; it is smaller than the hook code will be -
so how does the library react?
xor eax, eax

xor eax, eax

Test case: Branch
Instead of the FASM code I'll show the disassembled version, so you can see the
instruction lengths & offsets.
0026 | 48 83 E0 01 | and rax,1
002A | 74 17 | je test_cases.0043 ----+
002C | 48 31 C0 | xor rax,rax |
002F | 90 | nop |
0030 | 90 | nop |
0031 | 90 | nop |
0032 | 90 | nop |
0033 | 90 | nop |
0034 | 90 | nop |
0035 | 90 | nop |
0036 | 90 | nop |
0037 | 90 | nop |
0038 | 90 | nop |
0039 | 90 | nop |
003A | 90 | nop |
003B | 90 | nop |
003C | 90 | nop |
003D | 90 | nop |
003E | 90 | nop |
003F | 90 | nop |
0040 | 90 | nop |
0041 | 90 | nop |
0042 | 90 | nop |
0043 | C3 | ret <-----------------+

0026 | 48 83 E0 01 | and rax,1
002A | 74 17 | je test_cases.0043 ----+
002C | 48 31 C0 | xor rax,rax |
002F | 90 | nop |
0030 | 90 | nop |
0031 | 90 | nop |
0032 | 90 | nop |
0033 | 90 | nop |
0034 | 90 | nop |
0035 | 90 | nop |
0036 | 90 | nop |
0037 | 90 | nop |
0038 | 90 | nop |
0039 | 90 | nop |
003A | 90 | nop |
003B | 90 | nop |
003C | 90 | nop |
003D | 90 | nop |
003E | 90 | nop |
003F | 90 | nop |
0040 | 90 | nop |
0041 | 90 | nop |
0042 | 90 | nop |
0043 | C3 | ret <-----------------+

This function has a branch in the first 5 bytes. Hooking it detour-style isn't
possible without fixing that branch in the trampoline. The NOP sled is just so
@@ -132,27 +136,29 @@ relocation table.

A quick and dirty[1] test for this is re-implementing the well known C rand
public _rip_relative
mov rax, qword[seed]
mov ecx, 214013
mul ecx
add eax, 2531011
mov [seed], eax

shr eax, 16
and eax, 0x7FFF

seed dd 1

public _rip_relative
mov rax, qword[seed]
mov ecx, 214013
mul ecx
add eax, 2531011
mov [seed], eax

shr eax, 16
and eax, 0x7FFF

seed dd 1

The very first instruction uses rip relative addressing, thus it needs to be
fixed in the trampoline.

Test case: AVX & RDRAND

The AMD64 instruction set is extended with every CPU generation. Becayse the
hooking engines need to know the instruction lengths and their side effects to
properly apply their hooks, they need to keep up.
@@ -161,8 +167,62 @@ The actual code in the test case is boring and doesn't matter. I'm sure there
are disagreements on whether I've picked good candidates of "exotic" or new
instructions, but those were the first that came to mind.

Test case: loop and TailRec

My hypothesis before starting this evaluation was that those two cases would
make most hooking engines fail. Back in the good ol' days of x86 detour hooking
didn't require any special thought because the prologue was exactly as big as
the hook itself -- 5 bytes for `PUSH ESP; MOV EBP, ESP` and 5 bytes for `JMP +-
2GB`[2]. That isn't so easy for AMD64: a) the hook sometimes needs to be *way*
bigger b) due to changes in the calling convention and the general architecture
of AMD64 there just isn't a common prologue, used for almost all functions,

Those by itself arn't a problem, since the hooking engines can fix all the
instructions they would overwrite. However I hypothesized that only a few would
check whether the function contained a loop that jumps back into the
instructions that have been overwritten. Consider this:

public _loop
mov rax, rcx
mul rcx
loop @loop_loop ; lol

There's only 3 bytes that can be safely overwritten. Right after that is the
destination of the jump backwards. This is a very simple (and kinda pointless)
function so detecting that the loop might lead to problems shouldn't be a
problem. Basically the same applies for the next example:

public _tail_recursion
test ecx, ecx
je @is_0
mov eax, ecx
dec ecx
test ecx, ecx
jz @tr_end

mul ecx
dec ecx

jnz @loop
jmp @tr_end
mov eax, 1

(Preliminary) Results

| Name|Small|Branch|RIP Relative|AVX|RDRAND|Loop|TailRec|
@@ -178,4 +238,7 @@ I load the seed DWORD as a QWORD -- which only works because the upper half is
then thrown away by the multiplication. It's shitty code is what I'm saying.

In retrospect I should have used a jump table like a switch-case could be
compiled into. That would be read only data. Oh well.
compiled into. That would be read only data. Oh well.

[2] And Microsoft decided at some point to make it even easier for their code
with the advent of hotpatching.
